Human Dynamics

And Connected Truths...

Inner truths and outer truths. Click the power button below to find out more...

If you are at all confused by anyone, or anything, in your life - I can definitely help you to gain a much deeper understanding. As a Human Dynamics Facilitator, I help people to see the patterns underpinning human behaviour.
- I also teach process management skills, as well as basic and advanced problem solving. 

Knowledge is Power but Understanding is the Key

Knowledge is indeed power. But without correct understanding, all knowledge can be downright dangerous! Without an adequate understanding of your own core temperament, you will never be able to truly understand anyone else. Your temperament is the filter through which you see the world. I help people to understand that filter and how it subjectively distorts their objectivity. If you wish to become a truly objective person, you must first learn to understand subjective filters (your own first, and then those of other people).

The second part of my knowledge is power series is communication. Learning what to say to people ... and more importantly WHAT NOT TO SAY to people ... is crucial. Communication is an area where even small improvements can add up to massive differences. Communication is a spoken words skill but also an interpreted words skill. Your interpretation pattern is a crucial aspect to understand about yourself, so that you can learn how to compensate for it. Otherwise, many misunderstandings will plague your life and ruin otherwise productive relationships.

The third part of my knowledge is power series is how to become a better decision maker. This is achieved through better process management. By learning how to understand processes - including decision management processes - you actually engage in process improvement. Without genuine process improvement, no one ever truly becomes better at anything. But with the correct understanding in some crucial knowledge areas, you will come to see that everything is a process that can be improved (including your behaviour, communication, relationships and decisions). 

No help - no fee!

I'm so confident that I can help you with whatever is playing on your mind, that I will wave the fee if you genuinely feel that you haven't been helped.

Watch An Overview Video

(I often use this in couples counselling/coaching sessions - though the message is applicable across all walks of life).

This video can also be viewed on The Human Dynamics Guy YouTube Channel

To develop a complete mind:
Study the art of science; study the science of art. Learn how to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci

Feedback from previous clients 

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"Words cannot thank you enough for all the time & energy you put into sharing your knowledge & revelations with me. I always come to your sessions eager to find out more & to ask questions and leave awestruck with lots of positive feelings and wisdoms ... It assures me greatly when I know know there are people in this world like you.
-- Extract from a hand written letter received from...

(East Fremantle, Western Australia)
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"My life has changed so much and my relationship with my husband is better than ever. I know that it is me that has changed and it is your material that has done it."
-- Verbal feedback delivered in person from...

(Perth, Western Australia)
Mobirise Website Builder

"If you hadn't explained that to me in exactly the way you did, I would have argued with you for hours even years. What's amazing is that you have totally changed my thinking about something that I would never have been able to see...if you hadn't done EXACTLY what you the way that you did it. "
-- Feedback mid-session from...

(Nottingham, England)
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"I have employed Mr Brown as a personality consultant over the last 6 months. He has worked with my clients in the delivery of personality assessments and training. Mr Brown is increasingly becoming a valuable asset in the service delivery of my company. I would be interested in both increasing and expanding the nature of the work he can do with me. This would include making use of his expertise in both the area of personality and quality management."
-- Letter of Commendation from... 

(Nedlands, Western Australia)
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"Thanks Steve! And thanks again for seeing us, I couldn't describe enough how much it has set us in the right direction and helped us. Thanks Mate!"
-- Text message received from... 

(Mosman Park, Western Australia)
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"How did you do that? It was like you could see into the future. What happened was exactly like you predicted, except this time I was seeing it with different eyes! After 60 years of being frustrated and confused you've helped me to see the truth about that relationship and I now feel liberated, set free from having my buttons pushed! I have so much more energy now!"
-- Feedback in a phone call from... 

(Fremantle, Western Australia)
Mobirise Website Builder

"What you did in that session, where you captured and linked everything in my life on the whiteboard, was just
-- Verbal feedback beginning of next session from... 

(Perth, Western Australia)
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"I was desperate for help on a corporate level to deal with a confusing, dominating manager. I was, and am, Amazed. Steve blitzed the business issue in our first session!! I was so impressed I have returned to learn more about communication and relationships on a personal level. I am loving the journey and having enlightenment in my life - how do you thank someone for turning your life around...
you can't. Thanks Steve, my life is only starting and something to look forward to now. Thank you!"
-- Submitted on Website Feedback Form from... 

(Perth, Western Australia)
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"We've seen 28 different psychologists over the years and nothing ever made any sense. In just one session with you Steve, everything now makes perfect sense!"
-- Submitted on Website Feedback Form from... 

(Perth, Western Australia)

Instead of asking, ‘What is the answer?’
First ask yourself, What is the question?
...If you're asking the wrong questions, you'll always be coming up with the wrong answers. Very often, how we see the problem ... is the problem.

If you want your future to be different, you have to start doing something different in the here and now...

The knowledge is power series is that something different that you can be doing in the here and now. And as you do it ... things in your life will start to change as you start to change how you interact with those things. If you want to change an outcome, you must first change the nature of your participation in it.

Your experiences demand knowledgeable involvement ... and the knowledgeable you is a great deal more intelligently participative than the inexperienced you. The key to all successful involvement is knowledgeable participation. This is the true compass for success.

Book your free intro session now, and you will find out how to start asking better questions in order to arrive at better answers.

The best way to touch base with me...

Just Text Me: 0403 969 527 (International +61 4 03 969 527).
I'm normally unable to take direct calls - as I am usually in a session with a client. But I see every text and normally respond by the end of the day. 

(Note that I no longer publish an email address here - mostly due to the sheer amount of spam that I receive, as well as the cyber security threats made possible via email. Regarding cyber security in specific relation to email, some of the key words to understand are covert, unsolicited, and unverified. I will be happy to explain this in more detail if you have a mind to ask me about it in person...suffice for now to say that in addition to being a massive time waster, email can also be extremely dangerous).

Web Form: If you have a question that you want to jot down straight away, there's a feedback form below where you can leave your contact details and/or a feedback message. I'm usually pretty good at responding to queries by the end of the next working day.

Better yet, simply text me now to arrange a free look and see session, where I will be able answer all of your questions face to face. However, since the advent of Covid, I am generally only available in a completely contactless way over a FaceTime call (or Skype/Zoom/Meet - just let me know which platform you would prefer to use, when you text me). 

Contact / Feedback Form

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

People have spent anywhere from $200 to $2000 with me, depending upon whether they require coaching, and the length of time they feel they need to continue on with that coaching. Business clients tend to spend more than private individuals do (though having said this, some individuals do come back to do more sessions, simply because they place a high value on learning). 

I started doing Management Systems Consulting thirty years ago and added Human Dynamics Facilitation to my skillset roughly ten years into that period. 

This varies by client. Some only need help solving a particular process problem ... others need help implementing an entire system (such as a Quality Management System). Others have employed me solely for my process mapping skills, so that they could get better control over their core business processes. Many retained me solely for help with people problems - e.g., help with an individual whose skills they value and want to keep, but who is creating friction with other members of the organisation. I encounter many such 'political problems' that need to be sorted out. I would say that most of my Management Systems work has revolved around solving People, Communication and Process problems. 

The answer to this question is YES and NO. NO on the deep core temperament level ... YES on the learned behaviours level. I often teach people the difference using a particular picture that paints a thousand words. I have many such pictures actually, and these often take the form of associative word picture diagrams - similar to the one you see in the Dialectic video above. Many clients comment that they wish their school teachers had taught them like this, as they would have done much better at school. I couldn't agree more, and this is one of the main reasons that I created them in the first place. A great deal of understanding is made possible when people can all quite literally get on the same page. 

You can discover the particular sequence of events that led to this on the About Us page. Whilst this page gives a kind of timeline view of my journey to becoming a Human Dynamics Facilitator, it doesn't really give you the 'news behind the news' of the story. The news behind the news in this story is comprised of the various skills that I got to learn, as well as the great books that I got to read, along the way. Moreover, I am fortunate that I was born with a temperament that tends toward an interest in continuous improvement. I can't really take any credit for the temperament that I was born with - nor some of the skills that I was fortunate enough to learn along the way. As with many things in life, time and chance happen to us all. Though I often say that even though time and chance happen to us all ... those who are wise spend more of their time becoming so well informed .. that they are able to exercise more choice about the chances that they take and therefore, the future that they make. 

The answer to this question is similar to the answer I gave earlier, YES and NO. NO on the deep core temperament level because you can't change the temperament that you inherited from the great genetic lottery (although you can modify it somewhat by learning how to maximise the strengths whilst minimising the weaknesses). And YES, on the learned behaviours level it is possible to change (though in my experience, many people find it extremely difficult to change certain learned behaviours, especially those that have become deeply entrenched habits - there is often an emotional component to these that makes change very difficult for them to achieve). 

Even though my work would be categorised as coaching-help rather than self-help, it too won't change your core temperament (although it will change how you tend to see things as a person of that particular temperament*). In my experience, most forms of self-help are actually slower and less effective than if you had engaged with an experienced mentor. The best approach is a combination of both of these methods, whereby you actually engage with an experienced mentor...whilst also maintaining a passionate self-help attitude and corresponding level of involvement/commitment. 

*My work changes how people see things because it enables them to become objective viewers of their own behaviour, versus solely being subjective viewers of it. As such, they learn how to modify their behaviours so that they will be much less likely to keep repeating sub-optimised patterns (deep self-awareness really is the key here though). One of the great paradoxes of life is that we only know ourselves from the inside out (subjectively) - we don't get to fully know ourselves from the outside in (objectively). Through the research materials that I have accumulated, as well as the skills that I have developed, I am able to give people objective knowledge of themselves (effectively adding the outside in view, to the inside out view). I hope that this makes sense to you at this juncture. If not, just mention it during your free look and see session, and I will be happy to show you some pertinent word pictures designed to impart a better understanding of this. 

Once you discover which deep core temperament you inherited from the great genetic lottery, your life choices and relationships will make a whole lot more sense - not to mention your pattern of self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is something that we all tend to do to varying degrees - whether we are consciously aware of it or not - and we really don't get to understand how all of this works, until we learn to understand the pattern underpinning our sub-conscious behaviour. Suffice for now to say that the client testimonials above were all given by individuals who felt very deeply that they had become better people as a result of the outcomes made possible by this work.  

© Copyright Steven Bailey-Brown - All Rights Reserved.  Reviewed and Updated October 2023. Call 0403 969 527 to arrange your free introductory session.

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